Gratin Dauphinois
  1. Peel the potatoes and slice them thinly (use a food processor or a potato slicer to save time).
  2. Warm the cream, milk, garlic, and nutmeg until simmering (about five minutes). Remove from heat and remove garlic.
  3. Butter the bottom and sides of an oven-proof baking dish (9 X 13 inch works well). Place a single layer of potatoes on bottom of dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, herbs, and two to three tablespoons of cheese (you want to end up with a cup of cheese for the top layer). Continue layering until you run out of potatoes and end with one cup of cheese sprinkled on top.
  4. Pour the warmed cream mixture over the top and jiggle the dish a bit to get the liquid to spread throughout.
  5. Bake at 375° for one hour. Allow to cool 15 minutes before serving.
Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Easy French Food http://easy-french-food.com