This pumpkin souffle recipe is a light hearted twist on pumpkin pie. It goes together very quickly and makes a warm and nourishing dessert.
This pumpkin souffle recipe calls for pumpkin puree, not for canned pumpkin. Long ago I had to learn how to make my own pumpkin puree for the Thanksgiving pie here in France. Making your own is very easy - actual preparation is a matter of minutes. Here you'll find a pumpkin puree recipe.
Of course you can used canned pumpkin and the results will be similar (although I suspect not quite so tasty). Also feel free to substitute other squash in this pumpkin souffle recipe. It willl work fine with a puree of butternut or acorn squash for example.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Baking Time: 17 minutes
Makes 8 mini souffles
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