Easy French Food and Recipes

French Traditions

Customs, Culture, and History of France

The more you learn about French traditions and culture, the more you will want to learn. France has a long and varied history to draw upon, and countless legends and customs have been passed from generation to generation. In addition, each region of France is quite unique and proudly boasts its own version of French culture. Learning about these cultural traditions is a richly rewarding endeavour and just pure fun.

It should come as no surprise that in a country so reputed for its gastronomical know-how that many traditions and customs in France center around food. If you are planning a trip to France, or just taking a vacation in your dreams, I hope you will partake of the incredible and edible experience that is offered by France for our enjoyment.

New Year's Eve in France New Year's Eve in France

Many people in France ring in the New Year with a special meal. This is sometimes prepared at home for friends, but you will also find elaborate meals and dancing (les soirées dansantes) at many restaurants history of French fries History of French Fries

This is one "French" tradition you'll find all over the world. Learn about the controversy over who invented the French fry, as well a bit about Antoine-Augustine Parmentier, the man behind the potato's acceptance in Europe. Mardi Gras in France Mardi Gras in France

The period leading up to Lent is celebrated in France, as it is in many places in the world, with much merry-making and fanfare. Learn about some of the French traditions in Guyane, an overseas department of France in South America.

French Yule Log French Yule Log

This is a wonderful French custom going back many, many centuries. The modern day take on the buche de Noël is usually a sweet cake, and included here is a simple recipe along with the story of this custom. French Table Setting French Table Setting

If you are invited to a formal French dinner, it is a good idea to know a little on this subject. Although you will find most things where you are probably used to seeing them, there are some differences in how the French set the table from other places in the world. alarm clock French Eating Customs

You may be surprised to find out how regimented the French can be about eating. Learn the hours and names of typical French meals. French table manners French Table Manners

Once you have figured out which fork to use to eat your snails, the rest is pretty simple. Other than the usual etiquette rules designed to make the dining experience pleasant for everyone, there are a few rather obscure and amusing French traditions when sitting down to eat. French Celebrations French Celebrations

Bastille Day is probably the best known of the uniquely French holidays, but it certainly isn't the only chance to celebrate in France. Indeed, celebrations take place throughout the year and one is never far off from an excuse to pop open a bottle of champagne. Easter in France Easter in France

French traditions for Easter include chocolate bells and a big family luncheon, many times featuring lamb dishes. The celebrating continues with Easter Monday, a national holiday, a day many people celebrate by eating omelets.

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